We had a huge, wonderful Volunteer Day this past Saturday…30 volunteers, 135 machines, a 16 foot truck, 4 giant pizzas and more smiles and love than one can convey on a page. We’ve received so many machines in recent months that we’ve had a hard time keeping up so I contacted those who’d shown an interest and asked if they’d be available. Can you come and help “sew in” machines??

The response was overwhelming. The church graciously offered a larger workspace and we were off and running. There were people working on machines, packing a shipment, packing the truck for the warehouse, inventorying, you name it. We had two gracious hostesses, welcoming volunteers as they arrived and helping them get settled.

I handed my camera to various people throughout the day and this morning I went through those pictures for the first time. There are so many I can’t even include them all in one posting. What I love is that they convey the mood of the day. People helping people, meeting and laughing together, puzzling over unusual machines, working to help one cause.

The spirit was palpable on Saturday. Throughout the day I would take moments to look around and listen to the voices, the laughter, and see Spirit at work. It was amazing.

Take a look.

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